It’s time for you to feel empowered around food.

A mindful approach to eating.

Are you overwhelmed by what you “should” be doing to live healthfully? At Empowered Nutrition, our goal is to help you cut through the noise of the latest trends by providing evidence-based, practical solutions tailored to your unique needs.

It is possible to achieve your health and nutrition goals without ever dieting again, so you can say goodbye to restrictive eating and calorie counting. Our individualized, holistic approach will help you make healthier choices, eat more mindfully, understand how to meet your own needs, get in tune with your hunger and fullness signals, manage emotional triggers, foster a positive relationship with food and your body, and so much more.

Let’s improve your quality of life today.

Invest in yourself.

Your health is the most valuable asset you possess, and there’s no better time to prioritize it than right now. We understand that making lifestyle changes can seem daunting, but we're here to remind you that it's the best investment you can make.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to your individual health goals, which is why we work with you to assess all aspects of wellness in your life - nutrition, hydration, stress management, sleep, and exercise. In doing so, we will help promote your health goals while addressing your underlying issues with food to tackle the root problem, not just the symptoms.

Ready to feel your best while implementing sustainable changes?

Meet Emily Tiffen, MS, RD, LDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and the founder of Empowered Nutrition

Let’s work together!



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